Russell Heritage
Explore our archives of fascinating stories
Heritage Corners
Russell Museum enjoys telling some of the fascinating stories from the town’s history. Over the years, our local paper Russell Lights carries regular feature articles called Heritage Corner which feature these early gems about the town and our people. Some of our earlier articles are reproduced here for information.
A selection of them have been reproduced here. When you visit Russell, look out as you may well recognise some of the places and names from our past. Scroll back to view archived stories from our past.

Custom House (former Russell Police Station)
The old Custom House (former Russell Police Station) building on the waterfront is attracting much interest, so it’s timely to tell its story. Thanks to original curator Marie King, we can share a bit more about our other iconic waterfront property. The architect was...
Classic boats, Coastal Classic
This weekend sees the 40th Coastal Classic Race arrive in Kororāreka Russell, but the bay has hosted many regattas in the past. Early written records of the Bay of Islands describe waka and longboats racing, enjoying and testing each other’s abilities. The first...
Either a Phoenix or a Fixture
Russell Lights 2 July 2014, Updated 2022 Celebrations and festivals in Russell have a chequer board past - here one minute and gone the next. Our clubs are a bit the same - overflowing with members one year, struggling to pay the bills the next. Maybe it's inevitable...
Fullers Launch Offices
Russell Lights - Vol 7 Issue 21 - Updated Alfred Ernest Fuller and his wife Maud Amy (nee Baker) began a small maritime cartage business, later expanding to excursion and game fishing launches and car ferries. By 1965 under sons, Norman and Neville, there were offices...
The Search for the Whangamumu Whaling Film
Sunday 11 September Russell Boat Club Matauwhi Bay, Russell 4.00 pm Entrance by Koha for preservation of Russell Kororāreka's whaling history. On Sunday 11 September, Lindsay Alexander, a published whaling historian, will tell the story of the Whangamumu whaling...
Dry July and Temperance
Many people will be enjoying a tipple again after “Dry July”, an increasingly popular fundraising event organised to support people with Prostate Cancer. And with the growing popularity of non-alcoholic beer and cocktails, more and more people are reducing their...
Flooding in Russell, Bay of Islands
This winter has been notable for the rain, however floods have been a feature in our area for the past century particularly since urban development. Regular flooding is recorded throughout the 1930s on the Russell to Whangarei Road, with Russell being cut off on...
New music, old instrument – #71
For a brief time today, Russell Museum was filled with music of a “historical kind” as its Harmonium or American Parlour Organ was put through its paces by a young visitor from Brisbane. This imposing cedar giant, seven foot high, with a width at keyboard of 3 feet 8...
Cooks and Whale Tales – #72
In 1791, the British whaler William and Ann, under American Captain Bunker’s command, hunted whales in New Zealand waters. News that whales were plentiful spread and British and American interests began developing the South Pacific whaling grounds, with the British...