Time for New Owners? – #109

Time for New Owners? – #109

Who owns our cannon? Since about 1840, when Ben Turner did – no-one has owned it. Or perhaps everyone has. Every child that sat on it for a photo, every local who told its story to a visitor, everyone who wondered when, where and what damage its cannonballs had done...

Let the Pictures Tell The Story – #110

After the floods there was no option. Stormwater had to be redirected. The council reserve land at the North end of Kororareka Bay is where some of the water goes. But what has happened to the land there? The wahi tapu area there was specifically excluded from a grant...
Nothing’s Ever New – #111

Nothing’s Ever New – #111

Did you think the drag race was a 21st Century phenomenon in Russell- Kororareka? That it originated with the Birdman Festival? Not so! Similarly, for many Russellites and visitors the recent performances by our World-Famous-in-Russell Ukulele Orchestra were the first...
A Colourful Character – #115

A Colourful Character – #115

…with a colourful past. George Calcutta became his name. No-one in Russell ever knew his real name or where he was from. But he told them stories. He came to New Zealand as a body servant to a Captain Johnson, who took the young orphan on as a ‘body servant’....