Plans For The Museum
The Trustees have spent much time during the year discussing the proposed remodelling of the Museum. Waipu architect Kerry Francis drew up plans to present to a Public Meeting.

Public Meetings were held on July 25th and October 2nd, at which several issues were raised. There was not a large public attendance at either meeting, so the Trustees have decided to mount a display in a vacant shop in York Street (opposite the Museum). This will give the history and development of the Museum since its opening in 1956, outline the proposal and provide a chance for Public comment.

A scale model of the proposal will also be on view, with Trustees present to answer queries. All are invited to give the Trustees more feedback. Issues that are of particular concern are the purpose of the museum, types of displays, siting of the museum and the library.

Below is a flow pattern that is proposed to tell the story of our town:

Entrance/shop/ office/archives/changing display
Maori setting/explorers & early visitors
Kororareka the whaling port
Russell – gamefishing , tourism, trade, living community.
Storage area

Come and view our display, Saturday 5th to Saturday 12th December, York Street, 10am – 3pm
Russell Museum – Future directions.

A visitor survey was undertaken during the summer months to find out how people reached our Museum. More than two thirds came on foot, and mostly as day visitors on the passenger ferries, approaching the Museum from The Strand.

New Trail
Over the winter months, the Museum staff have been researching and writing a Christ Church Cemetary Trail, which will be launched this summer. This will highlight some of the stories behind the historic graves, for the many visitors who enjoy reading the old headstones.

The one-fifth scale model of the Endeavour has been cleaned, its masts and rigging checked by Trustees Bernie Chantler and Vin Hill, and some young assistants.

A logo, for use by the Museum, is being developed. It will feature our penguin/korora holding a taiaha and whaling harpoon, and will be used to advertise the Museum and outreach projects.

New Acquisitions
The Museum continues to add books to its library of local history which is popular with researchers.
Christ Church committee has deposited, on Long Term Loan, a handwritten description of the Tapestry Cushions in the old church.

Staff and Trustees have attended a meeting on bi-culturism in Museums, and a Northland Museum Day at Dargaville. Russell Museum is now on a Museum Internet site sponsored by Te Papa.

A changing display in the entrance to the Museum has featured “Winter Pastimes” and “There’s Something fishy about Russell”. A display was mounted for the 20th anniversary of the Russell Craft Show.

Regular Services
The Museum continues to offer a quick, convenient and economical photocopying service, as well as laminating and faxing. Word processing can be arranged.

Our shop specialises in Northland books and our own Russell historic video, Heritage Trail brochures and the mini history book “Russell More Than a Place”.

Trustees and staff
Chair: Florence Annison, Deputy: Vin Hill, Trustees: Reg Mogford, Gill Jones, Murphy Shortland, Lorraine Hill, Roger Gudgeon, Brian Baker, Bernie Chantler (until June), and Joan Hill (from July) library representatives.

Curator: Heather Lindauer, Secretary/Treasurer: Dianne Davey, Weekend staff: Helen Ough Dealy, Pat McNicoll.

Annual General Meeting
The Trustees are elected three-yearly. The next AGM will be in February 1999. The Museum needs committed trustees with a love of Russell and its history, as well as marketing and business skills to lead the Trust through the next period of exciting change and possibilities.

Note for the Diary – Russell Centennial Trust Board Triennial elections and AGM 15 Feb 1999.

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