Search our collections

Russell Museum uses eHive for its collections.
You can search for objects here.

Russell Museum Te Whare Taonga o Kororareka uses eHive for Collection Management. Our site can be found here, or you can search our collection below:

Searching tips:

  • If you type in the word School and press Enter, the engine will search all fields of all records and return any records that contain that term.
  • If you type in the words school and fishing, the engine will search all fields of all records and look for records that contain EITHER of these terms, not both.
  • If you type in school AND fishing (the AND must be in capitals) the engine will search all fields of all records and look for records that contain BOTH words but not necessarily together.
  • If you type in “school fishing” the engine will search all fields of all records for this exact phase.
4767 3903 4732 3692 3673 4225 3650 3892 3743 3658 3646 3632