Sea level rise and climate change

Sea level rise and climate change

The Kororāreka – Russell Wharf Kaitiaki Trust and Resilient Russell Charitable Trust are encouraging a conversation in the community about climate change and the impact of sea level rises will have on our community. To kick this off, they are holding an event...
The Story of Managahāwea

The Story of Managahāwea

Russell Museum’s new exhibition, The Story of Managahāwea is a fascinating look at an extremely early site of first arrivals from Polynesia. Beneath the soil of its beautiful beachfront, archaeological evidence from a series of excavations under the...
Saltwater in our Veins

Saltwater in our Veins

Ko Ahau Anō Tētahi i Reira, Saltwater in our Veins is another Russell Museum to Tuia 250, the national commemoration taking place in October 2019. Scrimshaw trophy on loan from Russell Boating Club An ambitious new exhibition charting the Bay’s long and...
Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost

Russell Museum is presently preparing itself for the gala opening of a prestigious gallery exhibition which is transferring from Wellington direct to Russell Museum, opening on April 6th. The exhibition is called “Paradise Lost, Daniel Solander’s Legacy” and...
Whakaata – Contemporary Maori Art Prints

Whakaata – Contemporary Maori Art Prints

Whakaata looks to show a connection to a Maori print history.  It acknowledges this place, the proximity of Pompallier House with its historic printing press and its role in communication  during the time of early contact.  This exhibition presents...
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